Attainment Grant Round 2025 - Eligibility Form

Please complete this form to check whether your organisation is eligible to apply for our Attainment funding round.

This eligibility form helps organisations avoid investing time in applications that don’t meet our criteria. Our application and due diligence processes are time-consuming, so we are keen to ensure ineligible organisations' time is saved as much as possible. Unfortunately, we cannot proceed with organisations that do not meet the criteria in this form.

Eligible organisations will be sent the full application form by email. You can review the eligibility criteria in full here:

All information collected is used and stored in order to make informed decisions throughout the application process. We will only ever share this information externally if it is with pre-vetted individuals providing external scrutiny on our interview and selection process, who will have signed a confidentiality agreement. Our privacy policy has more information about how we use your personal data:
Click 'next page' to proceed through the form

This section contains questions which will determine if your organisation is eligible to apply for funding.

You won't be able to submit this form and continue your application if any of your answers suggest your organisation is ineligible for this fund.

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Only non-profit organisations are eligible for this fund.

Schools and academies are not eligible for this fund.

Only organisations registered in the UK can apply for this fund.

You can be supporting young people in other countries, but over 50% of your work with young people must take place in England.
Your programme

• You might also be working in other areas like wellbeing, physical/mental health, violence reduction etc. but your attainment work should represent the majority of your work with young people.
• Only organisations focused on attainment outcomes are eligible for this fund.

Only organisations working with at least 250 young people a year through their attainment work are eligible for this fund.

Organisations with a programme using indirect delivery only (working with schools and staff to improve outcomes for young people, rather than working directly with the young people themselves) are not eligible.

• The young people you work with can be any age between 7 – 18 for your programme to be eligible – you do not have to work with the entire age range.
• We define disadvantage as 1. Young people eligible for pupil premium, i.e. children eligible for Free School Meals or who have been eligible at any point in the previous six years (Ever 6 FSM); 2. Looked After Children (LAC) and children who have been adopted or fostered from care (post-LAC). You may have other similar definitions of disadvantage that we’ll ask you to describe in the application form.

• For example, supporting young people to achieve better SATs English or maths results.
• This could be through focusing on literacy and /or numeracy.
• Only organisations focused on improving outcomes in English and/or maths are eligible.
Finances and capacity

Only organisations with an income greater than £650k in the last financial year are eligible to apply.

Only organisations with 10 FTEs or more are eligible to apply.

Good news! The information you have provided suggests your organisation is eligible to apply for this grant round.

Please fill in your details below so we can send you the information you need to complete your full application.

Please enter your organisation's name as it appears in official / Charity Commission / Companies House documents.

Please make sure this is accurate as we will send the application form to this address.

Unfortunately your organisation is not eligible to apply
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